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The Decision to Sell Your Business

This is often one of the most difficult decisions that a business owner makes.  He or she has worked extremely hard and put in a lot of sacrifice in growing and managing their business.  Often the genesis of the business is due to adverse circumstances that the owner had faced.  This is what makes parting with the business difficult.  Many business owners are at this crossroad.  They are looking to exit the business as they plan to retire or slow down due to personal/health issues.  Once an owner has decided to sell the business there are many items he or she needs to consider:

  1. Business value

  2. Getting the business ready for sale

  3. Assembling the right team for sale

  4. The sale process

  5. Marketing the business to appropriate buyers

  6. Transition/continued involvement post-sale

Selling a business is a lengthy process and an owner requires sound guidance throughout the process.  At Distinct Capital Partners, we understand your dilemma as we have successfully worked with owners like you for several decades and during that time have closed hundreds of transactions.  We will ensure a successful outcome for you.